“Subhanaka allahumma wa bi hamdika wa tabara kasmuka wa ta’ala jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuka.”
This means: “O Allah, how perfect You are, and praise be to You. Blessed is Your name, and exalted is Your majesty. There is no god but You.”
Only recite this supplication, Subhanaka, at the beginning of the first Rak’ah.
أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين، الرحمن الرحيم، مالك يوم الدين، إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين، اهدنا الصراط المستقيم، صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولأ الضا لين
This means in English:
“All praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the most Gracious, the most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. You alone we worship, from You alone we seek help. Guide us along the straight path – the path of those whom You favored, not of those who earned Your anger or went astray.”
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم | قل هوا لله أحد،الله الصمد، لم يلد و لم يولد، و لم يكن له كفوا أحد
This means in English:
“In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. Say, He is Allah, the One. Allah is Eternal and Absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none co-equal unto Him.”
Subhanaka allahumma wa bi hamdika wa tabara kasmuka wa ta’ala jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuka
Bismillahir rahmanir rahim
Al hamdulil lahi rabbil ‘alamin. Arrahmanir rahim. Maliki yawmiddin. Iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka nasta’in. Ihdinas siratal mustaqim. Siratal ladhina an’amta’alaihim, ghairil maghdubi’alaihim wa lad dhallin. (Amin)
Bismillahir rahmanir rahim Qul hu wal lahu ahad, allahus samad, lam yalid wa lam yulad, wa lam ya kul lahu kufuwan ahad.
This position is called Rukoo’. Keep your head in line with your back and look downward to the place of Sujood.
See Step 9 for related information.
Subhana Rabbiyal Adhim.
“Rabbana lakal hamd.”
This means: (Our Lord, praise be to You).
In English, this means “How Perfect is my Lord, the Highest.” Recite this three times.
This position is called Sujood. Keep your arms away from the sides of your body and the ground while conducting Step 9.
Subhana Rabbiyal A’la.
Subhana Rabbiyal A’la.
Sit upright with your knees bent and palms placed on them and say: “Rabbighfir li.” رب اغفر لي
This means: “O my Lord! Forgive me.”
Subhana Rabbiyal A’la.
Subhana Rabbiyal A’la.
Second Rak’ah
التحيات لله والصلوات والطيبات، السلام عليك أيها النبي ورحمة لله
وبركاته، السلام علينا و على عباد الله الصالحين، أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله، وأشهد أن محمدا عبده و رسوله.
was- Salawatu wat-Tayyibatu.
As-Salamu ‘ alaika
wa rahmatullahi
wa barakatuhu.
Assalamu ‘alaina wa’ala
ibadil-Lahis -Salihin
ash hadu al-La ilaha
il-Lal lahu
wa ash hadu anna
Muhammadan abduhu
wa rasuluhu.”
goodness belongs to Allah.
Peace be on you,
O Prophet
and the mercy of Allah
and His blessings.
Peace be on us and on
the righteous servants of Allah
I bear witness that
there is no god but Allah,
and bear witness that
Muhammad is His servant
and Messenger.”
For a two-Rak’ah Salah, you remain seated after Tashahhud and then recite silently Assalatul-Ibrahimiyah:
اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد، كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم، وبارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد، كما باركت على إبراهيم
وعلى آل إبراهيم، في العالمين إنك حميد مجيد.
Wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin
Kama sallaita ‘ala Ibrahima
wa ‘ala ali Ibrahima
wa barik ‘ala Muhammadin
wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin
Kama barakta ‘ ala Ibrahima
Wa ‘ ala ali Ibrahima
Fil a’lamina Innaka
hamidun Majid.”
and the family of Muhammad
as You let it come upon Ibrahim
and the family of Ibrahim
O Allah, bless Muhammad
and the family of Muhammad
as You blessed Ibrahim
and the family of Ibrahim.
Truly You are
Praiseworthy and Glorious.”
Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin
Wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin
Kama sallaita ‘ala Ibrahima
wa ‘ala ali Ibrahima
wa barik ‘ala Muhammadin
wa ‘ala ali Muhammadin
Kama barakta ‘ ala Ibrahima
Wa ‘ ala ali Ibrahima
Fil a’lamina Innaka
hamidun Majid.”
Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min adhabi jahanam wamin adhabil qabri wamin sharri fitnatil mahya wal mamat wamin sharri fitnatil masihid dajjaal. Rabbi-ghfir li waliwalidayya, rabbi-rhamhuma kama rabbayani saghira.
This completes the two-Rak’ah Salah.
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah
Reciting Aloud versus Reciting Silently:
However, the third and fourth Rak’ahs are always recited silently during obligatory prayers.
In addition, in the Dhuhr and Asr prayers, the recitation is always silent for all four Rak’ahs.
The one who leads Jumu’ah prayers (Friday prayer in place of Dhuhr) will recite the Qur’an aloud.