We elevated our design to a whole new scale.
Ummah is constantly bringing new features to meet the needs of the community and to make our application whole. Today we are announcing the redesign of your favorite page. The “for you” page. From now on, you will feel like you have a friend more than a robot trying to remind you to read about your religion. As our beautiful religion says: ‘Above all other things, the one thing that I found to benefit a person most in this world and the Hereafter is a suitable friend.’ And we work hard to be the friend you need.
By adding the daily treasure, we give you new and unique content to read daily and reminders about our beautiful religion. We help each other to bring the best of one another.
We also added the ‘Fortress of the Muslim’ section in which, depending on the circumstances, you find the right Dua’s for that occasion. Mark your favorite Dua’s and read them at any time.
In this page, we also added the shopping section. Now the best-selling products have never been closer. We bring them right at your fingertips. We are ready for you to shop anything from our diverse halal products.
And if you want to read more… we got you covered.
Within this page you can find a diverse set of content from ayah’s of the holy Quran and golden words of the wise scholars of the Islamic community.
Read away.
And so much more.
Ummah is constantly improving on bringing you new features. In the next few days the new “For you” page will help you stay updated with Islamic events, New updates, unique content and more.