Photos and Descriptions
In order to sell your products effectively, we offer multiple images of each item so buyers can see for themselves. We also insure descriptions of each item are accurate. Trust is important to us, and we want you to come back and shop often.
Product offers
You can find almost anything using the Ummah app, including clothing, jewelry, and phone accessories. It is all there at your fingertips. With Ummah, you can buy or sell your unwanted treasures and make your offer directly to the seller.
Information About the Sellers
We want you to shop with confidence on Ummah. For selected products and categories, Ummah requires background checks and a manual verification process for buyers and sellers. Once approved by Ummah, you can begin selling almost immediately.
Ratings and Reviews
Customers can review and provide product feedback. We encourage honest and faithful reviews of products purchased on Ummah. Reviews will make buyers repeat buyers, and thus help everyone. Reviews that are purely for product promotion will not help the global Brotherhood. Keep that in mind as you use our marketplace.
Chat in Private
Ummah offers live chat support for a better experience. Live Chat support is secure, private and confidential. Talk directly with other brothers and sisters who want to buy and sell merchandise.
People’s comments
Ummah allows buyers to make comments on product photos. Other customers can see your comments too. Once you submit an offer, arrange payment and shipping details privately using the easy features included with the mobile app. It’s easy and secure!